The biggest ICF industry event of the year will take place Wednesday evening.
The biggest trade show for the ICF industry is happening in just a few weeks. World of Concrete 2019 will run January 22-25 at the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC). The concrete industry trade show is expected to draw nearly 60,000 attendees and 1,500 exhibits.
Jackie James, group director of World of Concrete, says, “We are confident the 2019 event will be a strong event for both exhibitors and attendees. We look forward to serving the concrete and masonry industries with this annual international platform to network, source, and receive valuable education to start the year
off strong.”
As the largest and most important trade show for the ICF industry, nearly all the major ICF brands will be exhibiting, along with numerous bracing, exterior finish, floor system and waterproofing companies. Most ICF-related booths are located in the North Hall, including this magazine, located at N1863. The sidebar on p. 14 offers a quick overview of where the ICF-related companies are exhibiting. Companies in gold are advertisers in this issue. The exhibit hall will be open Tuesday-Thursday, 9:30 am-5:00 pm; and Friday, January 25, from 9:00 am-noon.

ICF Builder Awards
The biggest ICF industry event of the year will take place Wednesday evening, with the 14th annual ICF Builder Awards. The evening award presentation honors the best ICF installers in North America and beyond, and recognizes the milestone projects that have advanced the industry.
Clark Ricks, organizer of the competition and editor of this magazine, says, “This has become the can’t miss event of the industry. All of the key players, at all levels of the supply chain, gather from literally across the globe to come together, unwind, and learn about what’s new in ICF construction.”
The event is open to all who want to attend. However, each attendee must RSVP prior to the day of the award presentation. To register, simply visit or click the link in the online version of this story.
Recognizing the busy schedule most show attendees have, the event will be held at the convention center shortly after the show floor closes Wednesday. (The VIP reception begins at 4:30; doors open to guests at 5 p.m.) Complimentary drinks and hor d’oevers will be served. The award ceremony, which includes details and photos of all the winning projects, begins at 5:20 and typically lasts about an hour.
The award presentation will be held at the same location as in previous years: Room N256 on the second floor just outside the north exhibit hall.
In addition to the exhibit hall and ICF Builder Award presentation, there are a number of other events that may be of interest to the ICF contractor.
The ICF Summit is returning to World of Concrete for a fourth year. Presented by the ICF Manufacturers Association (ICFMA), it’s a great forum for ICF rookies and veterans alike.
This year’s session, titled “ICF Basics for Masonry and Forming Contractors” will introduce concrete contractors to ICF technology. Andy Lennox, chair of ICFMA says, “This new interactive training course is designed for commercial contractors who are new to Insulated Concrete Forms. A team of expert teachers will cover typical commercial ICF details, integration with other elements and support from ICF suppliers. The class will also include tips for general contractors, including letting bids, selecting ICF brands and maximizing chances of success on the first job (i.e. whether to self-perform the install and/or how to select an ICF installation subcontractor).”
Attendees will have an opportunity to handle and work with ICF materials being demonstrated.
To register, visit the World of Concrete website
For those more involved in the residential side of the market, Mike Hancock will be teaching a class titled “Constructing and Marketing Concrete Houses in the New Millennium.” It runs from 1:30-3:00 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon.
Other Events
Several ICF brands hold their annual distributor meetings in conjunction with the show, and several other companies are holding by-invitation-only hospitality events.
Like last year, all the outdoor competitions will be held at the “Bronze Lot” south of South Hall. The events include the John Deere Operator Challenge and the SpecMix Bricklayer World Championship.
More relevant to the ICF industry, Concrete Décor magazine is hosting a weeklong, hands-on event demonstrating how to apply interior and exterior finishes over ICF walls. The display, situated directly across from the entry to LVCC South Hall, includes thousands of square feet of ICF walls, with material provided by Fox Blocks, LiteForm, and other suppliers.
“Portions of walls and floors will be left undone so concrete professionals can demonstrate how to install and finish various applications,” says Bent Mikkelsen, publisher. Demonstrations will be held throughout each day of the show. Treatments will include trowel-applied coatings, stenciled or embossed patterns, and carved toppings.
So whether you stay for the entire week or just a day or two, there’s plenty to see.
For more information about World of Concrete 2019, visit