Wall Finishes for Commercial ICF Construction
It’s no secret that commercial construction is currently the fastest growing—and most lucrative—sector of the ICF industry. It’s also far more difficult and demanding than the residential sector, and owners typically want an exterior finish that looks great, requires...
Exterior Finishes
This is the second of a two-part series exploring alternative wall finishes. Part I, published in the Dec. 2006 issue, discusses how to apply brick, stone, and vertical stamped concrete. Part II deals with applying siding and similar products. Lap siding is a popular...
Alternative Wall Finishes
Brick, Stone, and Vertical Stamped Walls Brick, stone, and manufactured stone are a perfect complement for ICFs. And while just about any exterior finish imaginable can be applied to ICF walls, brick, stone and siding are also extremely popular, especially in...
Getting a Level Footing
...and what to do if it isn't... Flat, square, level footings are important regardless of the type of wall you build. But they are absolutely essential for ICF construction. Experienced ICF contractors know that a quality footing will save them money, hassle, and...
Wall Finishes for Commercial Construction
Commercial construction is by far the fastest growing sector of the ICF industry. Analysts estimate commercial ICF use is growing two or three times more quickly than the rest of the industry, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. ICFs will accept...
Window and Door Details
Textured Acrylic Surfacing Systems (TASS) are perhaps the most popular exterior finish for ICF construction. They are easy to apply, relatively inexpensive, and available in a wide range of colors and textures. But getting the details right—especially around windows...
Good Vibrations: Concrete Consolidation in ICF Walls
Good concrete consolidation is essential for strong, energy-efficient ICF walls. Voids and honeycombing can create basement leaks, and in extreme cases, affect the structural integrity of the walls. Ironically, corners and lintels—the areas that need the most...
Options for Wall Bracing
No matter what your level of experience, bracing is an issue every ICF installer deals with on every job. And the higher the walls go, the more complicated it gets. Yet by following a few simple guidelines, and knowing what equipment is available, just about any wall...
Proper Concrete Placement
A little common sense, and an understanding of the basics will ensure your pours go smoothly every time. Proper concrete placement is essential in any ICF project. Improper mix design, placement, scheduling or vibration can lead to voids, rock pockets, delays, and in...
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